Our Lawn Fertilization Program:


Spring and Fall Aeration Highly Recommended for All Lawns


Round 1


Preventative crabgrass control.  This product has dimension to control crabgrass, foxtail, chickweed, oxalis, spurge, knotweed, henbit, and poa annua.  This fertilizer is a slow-release dry-applied granular product that supplies an effective feeding of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for a quick green-up.


Round 2


Fertilizer with weed control.  The Fertilizer applied provides initial green up without surge growth and controlled release nitrogen for more predictable results.  It contains sufficient iron in plant available form to correct and prevent deficiencies.  Momentum broadleaf herbicide was used to eliminate unwanted dandelions and other broadleaf weeds.


Round 3


Fertilizer with insect and weed control.  This product provides initial green up, controls surface feeding insects including chinch bugs, sod webworms, and cutworms.  Provides 30% controlled release nitrogen for more predictable results.    Q4 Plus herbicide was used to control yellow knutsedge and to eliminate crab grass.


Round 4


Fertilizer with weed control.  This product provides initial green up without surge growth and controlled release nitrogen for more predictable results. Q4 Plus was used to eliminate unwanted dandelions and other broadleaf weeds as well as yellow knutsedge and crabgrass.


Round 5


Fertilizer with weed control.  This product provides initial green up without surge growth and controlled release nitrogen for more predictable results. Momentum was used to eliminate unwanted weeds.


Round 6


This winterization fertilization product provides initial green up without surge growth and controlled release nitrogen for more predictable results: contains sufficient iron in plant available form to correct and prevent deficiencies.